How Mental Association Can Help Improve Memory

Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping (Photo credit: sirwiseowl)

Help Improve Memory

Memory loss doesn't have to be inevitable. There are a number of resources, treatments, and methods for anyone who has concerns about memory loss. All you need is a bit of patience and research, and you will find there are a lot of things you can do about your memory loss.

Work on getting adequate amounts of sleep. Losing sleep has a detrimental affect on brain function. This, affects both your long-term and short-term memory abilities. If you feel tired, remembering anything will seem difficult. You can try to get more sleep at night to help your memory out.

Trying to remember something that will not come to you can be quite frustrating. By clearing your mind, only for a minute, you may have an easier time recalling this memory. Sit down in a quiet place and take a few deep breaths while your mind clears. After a moment, try to remember what it was you could not bring to mind.

Try making a memory tree. For large subjects you need to remember, focus on the gist of it first. Allow limbs - crucial details - to branch off of that. Smaller details are the leaves that decorate the branches. Organizing the information in this way can really benefit recall speed and accuracy.

You should always take breaks when you are studying for a test. If you try to cram in all the information at once, then you will have difficulty recalling it on the exam because the brain needed more time to learn the information. However, you should be cautious. Although breaks assist in absorbing new information, you need time to learn things, too. Start studying for tests well in advance. This will mean you are not pressured and can fit in breaks.

Properly employed, mnemonics can be of tremendous aid in improving your memory. Consider this analogy: Mnemonic devices relate to memory much like quick, shorthand writing is used by writers. You will associate information with another word, you will be able to relate it and have a map to that memory.

Try to utilize your mind on a regular basis to keep it alert. Playing fun "brain games" can help your brain stay active and keep your memory in tip-top shape. Just changing your routine can help combat brain atrophy. Pick up a new musical instrument, or try a new hobby. When your mind is fully engaged in something you are truly interested in, your memory is strengthened.

Hook information together to help you remember information. Connecting parts of information that are related can help you remember the information easier; on the other hand, associating parts of information that are entirely unrelated can also promote good memory. One great example is "Pb" standing for lead in the periodic table of elements. One could easily recite "peanut butter and lead" and it would help immensely with the memorization of this element. It's a bizarre connection, but that's what makes it memorable.

Meditation is a great way to enhance the function of your memory and improve the elasticity of your brain; it can also provide you with stress relief and better health. Allow yourself to spend a few moments breathing deeply and entering into a relaxed state in order to meditate. Half an hour each day can help keep your brain fit.

Cramming is a very poor way to study and should be avoided. You can even make up your own unique methods of remembering things, like study sessions. Do not try to learn a large amount of information in a short time. Your mind may not be able to handle such a large amount at one time, and it can be easily forgotten. Make time in your regular routine for study sessions so you'll be in the habit of recalling the information that you need.

Ever experienced the feeling of something on the tip of your tongue? Keep in mind that this kind of thing happens to everyone, you're not alone. Relax and breathe, then start saying memories or other words that you associate with the forgotten word. Doing this activity will often cause you to remember the forgotten word.

If you must remember something, try to associate it with a funny song, mental image, or phrase. Using humor will make remembering things entertaining, so they will be easier to remember later.

A great strategy to help you remember things is to add Omega-3 acids to the food that you eat. Your brain consists of 60% of these acids, so eating foods that contain them can boost your memory. Eat foods that are high in unsaturated fat, like salmon and other fish.

It happens to everybody as they get older. It's important to look for information

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