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Our memories play a large role in our appreciation of our friends and loved ones. Not everyone has a physical memory loss problem to blame. Keep reading for ideas on how to improve your memory and preserve your brain function.

A key to keeping your memory sharp as a tack is to keep up your social relationships. By surrounding yourself with friends and family, especially those that you consider a great support system, you are helping your memory to stay alive. Research actually shows that those with the most active lifestyle showed the slowest rate of memory loss.

If this is the case, you should take about a 5-15 minute break each hour during your work or study session to give your mind some time to rest and relax. This can help your brain absorb information much better.

If you need to remember a complicated piece of information, use the mnemonics technique. This is a way of associating the information with something that is common and familiar. When you make that association, you can think of the common item, and it will trigger your memory of the more complicated piece of information.

According to studies, material is better memorized if you go over it a number of times during regular study sessions. This gives your brain adequate time to process the information. According to research, students that had established regular study sessions recalled material much better than those who crammed all the material into one marathon study session.

Creating mnemonic devices to improve memory is a good way to keep information stored in your brain for a long time. Mnemonic devices used for memory is similar to writers using shorthand. By making a connection between a new piece of information and something you are already familiar with, you have created an association that will help you recall the new information more readily.

Like an actor does before putting on a play, rehearsing what you learn is a great way to improve your memory. If you are attempting to study, recite the problems and answers aloud, and you will absorb the information easier, and ultimately, retain it more efficiently. This is a great way to improve your overall memory.

A useful strategy when tasked with the memory of new information is to restructure and reorganize the information. The simplest way to do this is to take the information and create a summary outline in a notebook or on your computer. This works for two reasons. It is easier to remember something that you have worked with, and the process also naturally reorders the information in a way that is easier for you to remember.

To help prevent memory loss, you should regularly spend time socializing with your friends. Interacting with friends and loved ones in a social setting helps to prevent stress and depression, both of which seriously impede memory function. Clear time in your schedule to relax and enjoy your friends. Your memory will thank you for it.

Sleep is an essential component of maintaining good memory and memorization skills. The reason for this is while you are sleeping, something known as memory consolidation occurs. Memory consolidation is the process by which acquired information is imprinted into the brain through the creation of neural links. This process affects not only the information that you have recently learned but also helps to maintain information that you acquired a long time ago.

Exercise regularly as it can improve your memory functions and health. Physical exercises improve your physical look and they also increase the oxygen flow to the brain. A physically well kept body is less prone to catch memory loss causing illnesses and increases the useful brain chemicals' presence in the blood.

Never try to cram information. If committing something to memory is essential, take the time to establish planned sessions in which to study. Don't try to learn it all at one time. Your mind won't be able to absorb it all, and very little of it will be retained. You need to schedule multiple small study sessions to practice memory techniques.

Forgetting key dates like birthdays or anniversaries can be very upsetting. This may be just the beginning of your loss of memory. Use the ideas you read about here and help yourself retain precious memories.


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